A secret and not much else...
Nice title, huh? That really makes you want to come read this thing. I am not good at coming up with titles and nothing really exciting has happened since yesterday. I worked on a couple LO's and that's about it.
DS did get to go to his first Easter party without us. One of his little friend's from church was having a party and she invited him. The same little girl that was spotted on my blog last week smooching him LOL. They really get along and she is such a cute and sweet little girl. He didn't want DH to leave him at first, but I guess after he left he was fine. That is the first time he's been to their house and he was there alone, so I think that freaked him out a little. He knows them well, but he is very uncomfortable when it comes to being there by himself.
For the SSD from our blog to yours they want us to talk about our plans for Easter... we don't have a whole lot going on. We will probably go to church on Friday night and then Saturday morning they are having a pancake feed and easter egg hunt to raise money for the children's ministry, so we will be going there. And then after that my mom is having her Easter on Sat afternoon, so the kids will have more time to play. My nephew will be in town so I'm sure my son will love that he gets to play with him yet again. And Sunday we'll be at church since we help in Children's church, but it will be an easy day as they are watching the Jesus movie. Then we will either do DS's egg hunt in the morning before we go or after we get home from church. He will be so excited to see what the Easter bunny is brining him, he's been asking for it for well over a month now and I'm sure once he gets it he won't play with it, but isn't that how it's supposed to go? LOL
Here is my LO, this was done for the Sugar Free challenge at SSD. We were supposed to scrap one regret that we had. Now I have more than 1 regret, but this is the one that I really felt I needed to scrap.
My Regret full credits HERE

Well that's it for today and I will leave you with this little piece of info

oh, tell me the secret....I won't tell....LOL. Happy Easter.
Happy Easter!! Love your blog ;) the link to your LO didn't work for me so I am going to have 2 hunt for it!!
Happy Easter from Norway!
Sounds like you have a busy Easter weekend ahead of you. Loved your LO - I'm really sorry for your loss. :(
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