Wanna watch something funny?
Not much went on today. I did some scrapping and finished some RAK LO's from DST. I don't know how many of you have heard of MOPS, but I just started going this year and absolutely love it. DS looks forward to these nights too :) Well, anyway tonight we watched a DVD from Anita Renfroe and my gosh she is so funny. Seriously, if you guys want a good clean laugh check her out. She is awesome. I know she has several DVD's out and we just got to watch one, but it was hilarious. I would suggest renting one and just watch it while you have some quiet time to yourself, it will give you enough laughs to last a week :)
Here is my LO for today.
Little Handsome Man done with Rebecca Lynn's Prince Charming kit
Found HERE

That's it for today, see I told you I wouldn't post another looong one LOL
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