FOBTY 5/28
Sari wants us to share our plans for the summer. Since Emiy isn't very old, we won't be doing any traveling. We will more than likely just hang out around home and do some fun family things together. Water fights are always a must along with some fishing and swimming. Usually we get together with some friends and BBQ at least one a month, so that will be fun and the kids always enjoy that. Otherwise nothing really exciting. Austin has a full summer planned with Parks & Rec 5 days a week, baseball practice 2 times a week and a game once a week. He also has camp through the YMCA and swimming lessons 2 times a week at the Y. So we will be doing a lot of running him around. We have VBS at church in a couple weeks and we help with games, so that will be fun. Go Fish, the Christian Group, is coming to Fremont June 11, so we will be going to that as well. Other than that, just hanging out at home and watching the summer fly by as always :)